mptensor  v0.3.0
Parallel Library for Tensor Network Methods
mptensor Namespace Reference


 Namespace for debugging.
 Namespace for the non-distributed Matrix class with LAPACK.
 Nameclass for Matrix inteface.
 Wrappers of MPI library.
 Namespace for the distributed Matrix class with ScaLAPACK, PBLAS, and BLACS.


class  Index
class  Tensor
 Tensor class. The main object of mptensor. More...


typedef std::complex< double > complex
typedef Index Axes
typedef Index Shape


template<typename C >
constexpr size_t value_type_tag ()
constexpr size_t value_type_tag< double > ()
constexpr size_t value_type_tag< complex > ()
template<typename C >
constexpr char * value_type_name ()
constexpr char * value_type_name< double > ()
constexpr char * value_type_name< complex > ()
Index range (const size_t start, const size_t stop)
 Create an increasing sequence. it is similar to range() in python. More...
Index range (const size_t stop)
bool is_no_transpose (const Axes &axes, const Axes &axes_map, size_t rank)
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int rsvd (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Axes &axes_row, const Axes &axes_col, Tensor< Matrix, C > &u, std::vector< double > &s, Tensor< Matrix, C > &vt, const size_t target_rank, const size_t oversamp)
 Singular value decomposition by randomized algorithm. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int rsvd (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Axes &axes_row, const Axes &axes_col, Tensor< Matrix, C > &u, std::vector< double > &s, Tensor< Matrix, C > &vt, const size_t target_rank)
 RSVD with oversamp = target_rank. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C , typename Func1 , typename Func2 >
int rsvd (Func1 &multiply_row, Func2 &multiply_col, const Shape &shape_row, const Shape &shape_col, Tensor< Matrix, C > &u, std::vector< double > &s, Tensor< Matrix, C > &vt, const size_t target_rank, const size_t oversamp)
 Singular value decomposition by randomized algorithm. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C , typename Func1 , typename Func2 >
int rsvd (Func1 &multiply_row, Func2 &multiply_col, const Shape &shape_row, const Shape &shape_col, Tensor< Matrix, C > &u, std::vector< double > &s, Tensor< Matrix, C > &vt, const size_t target_rank)
 RSVD with oversamp = target_rank. More...
void set_seed (unsigned int seed)
 Set seed for random number generator. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > transpose (Tensor< Matrix, C > T, const Axes &axes)
 Transposition of tensor with lazy evaluation. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > transpose (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &T, const Axes &axes, size_t urank_new)
 Transposition of tensor without lazy evaluation. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > reshape (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &T, const Shape &shape_new)
 Change the shape of tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > slice (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &T, size_t n_axes, size_t i_begin, size_t i_end)
 Slice a tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > slice (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &T, const Index &index_begin, const Index &index_end)
 Slice a tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > extend (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &T, const Shape &shape_new)
 Extend the size of a tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
trace (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &M)
 Trace of matrix (rank-2 tensor) More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
trace (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &T, const Axes &axes_1, const Axes &axes_2)
 Full trace of tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
trace (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &A, const Tensor< Matrix, C > &B, const Axes &axes_a, const Axes &axes_b)
 Full contraction of two tensors. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > contract (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &T, const Axes &axes_1, const Axes &axes_2)
 Partial trace of tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > tensordot (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Tensor< Matrix, C > &b, const Axes &axes_a, const Axes &axes_b)
 Compute tensor dot product. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > kron (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Tensor< Matrix, C > &b)
 Compute the Kronecker product. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int svd (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, std::vector< double > &s)
 Singular value decomposition for rank-2 tensor (matrix) More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int svd (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, Tensor< Matrix, C > &u, std::vector< double > &s, Tensor< Matrix, C > &vt)
 Singular value decomposition for rank-2 tensor (matrix) More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int svd (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Axes &axes_row, const Axes &axes_col, std::vector< double > &s)
 Singular value decomposition for tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int svd (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Axes &axes_row, const Axes &axes_col, Tensor< Matrix, C > &u, std::vector< double > &s, Tensor< Matrix, C > &vt)
 Singular value decomposition for tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int psvd (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, std::vector< double > &s, const size_t target_rank)
 Partial SVD for rank-2 tensor (matrix) More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int psvd (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, Tensor< Matrix, C > &u, std::vector< double > &s, Tensor< Matrix, C > &vt, const size_t target_rank)
 Partial SVD for rank-2 tensor (matrix) More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int psvd (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Axes &axes_row, const Axes &axes_col, std::vector< double > &s, const size_t target_rank)
 Partial SVD for tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int psvd (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Axes &axes_row, const Axes &axes_col, Tensor< Matrix, C > &u, std::vector< double > &s, Tensor< Matrix, C > &vt, const size_t target_rank)
 Partial SVD for tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int qr (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, Tensor< Matrix, C > &q, Tensor< Matrix, C > &r)
 QR decomposition of matrix (rank-2 tensor) More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int qr (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Axes &axes_row, const Axes &axes_col, Tensor< Matrix, C > &q, Tensor< Matrix, C > &r)
 QR decomposition of tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int eigh (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, std::vector< double > &eigval, Tensor< Matrix, C > &eigvec)
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int eigh (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, std::vector< double > &eigval)
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int eigh (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Axes &axes_row, const Axes &axes_col, std::vector< double > &eigval, Tensor< Matrix, C > &eigvec)
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int eigh (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Axes &axes_row, const Axes &axes_col, std::vector< double > &w)
 Compute the eigenvalues of a complex Hermitian or real symmetric tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int eigh (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Axes &axes_row_a, const Axes &axes_col_a, const Tensor< Matrix, C > &b, const Axes &axes_row_b, const Axes &axes_col_b, std::vector< double > &eigval, Tensor< Matrix, C > &eigvec)
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int eig (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, std::vector< complex > &w, Tensor< Matrix, complex > &z)
 Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a general matrix (rank-2 tensor) More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int eig (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, std::vector< complex > &w)
 Compute only the eigenvalues of a general matrix (rank-2 tensor) More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int eig (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Axes &axes_row, const Axes &axes_col, std::vector< complex > &w, Tensor< Matrix, complex > &z)
 Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a general tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int eig (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Axes &axes_row, const Axes &axes_col, std::vector< complex > &w)
 Compute the eigenvalues of a general tensor. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int solve (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const std::vector< C > &b, std::vector< C > &x)
 Solve linear equation \( A\vec{x}=\vec{b}\). More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int solve (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Tensor< Matrix, C > &b, Tensor< Matrix, C > &x)
 Solve linear equation \( AX=B\). More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
int solve (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &a, const Tensor< Matrix, C > &b, Tensor< Matrix, C > &x, const Axes &axes_row_a, const Axes &axes_col_a, const Axes &axes_row_b, const Axes &axes_col_b)
 Solve linear equation \( AX=B\). More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > operator+ (Tensor< Matrix, C > rhs)
 Unary plus. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > operator- (Tensor< Matrix, C > rhs)
 Unary minus. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > operator+ (Tensor< Matrix, C > lhs, const Tensor< Matrix, C > &rhs)
 Addition. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > operator- (Tensor< Matrix, C > lhs, const Tensor< Matrix, C > &rhs)
 Subtraction. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C , typename D >
Tensor< Matrix, C > operator* (Tensor< Matrix, C > lhs, D rhs)
 Tensor-scalar multiplication. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C , typename D >
Tensor< Matrix, C > operator/ (Tensor< Matrix, C > lhs, D rhs)
 Scalar division. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C , typename D >
Tensor< Matrix, C > operator* (D lhs, Tensor< Matrix, C > rhs)
 Scalar-tensor multiplication. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > sqrt (Tensor< Matrix, C > t)
 Take square-root of each element. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
Tensor< Matrix, C > conj (Tensor< Matrix, C > t)
 Take conjugate of each element. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
double max (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &t)
 Return the maximum element. For complex, same as max_abs(). More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
double min (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &t)
 Return the minimum element. For complex, same as min_abs(). More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
double max_abs (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &t)
 Return maximum of the absolute value of an element. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
double min_abs (const Tensor< Matrix, C > &t)
 Return minimum of the absolute value of an element. More...
template<template< typename > class Matrix, typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Tensor< Matrix, C > &t)
 Output elements of tensor in numpy style. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ Axes

◆ Shape

Function Documentation

◆ is_no_transpose()

bool mptensor::is_no_transpose ( const Axes axes,
const Axes axes_map,
size_t  rank 

◆ operator+()

Index mptensor::operator+ ( const Index ,
const Index  

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream& mptensor::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Index idx 

◆ range() [1/2]

Index mptensor::range ( const size_t  start,
const size_t  stop 

Create an increasing sequence. it is similar to range() in python.

◆ range() [2/2]

Index mptensor::range ( const size_t  stop)

◆ value_type_name()

template<typename C >
constexpr char* mptensor::value_type_name ( )

◆ value_type_name< complex >()

constexpr char* mptensor::value_type_name< complex > ( )

◆ value_type_name< double >()

constexpr char* mptensor::value_type_name< double > ( )

◆ value_type_tag()

template<typename C >
constexpr size_t mptensor::value_type_tag ( )

◆ value_type_tag< complex >()

constexpr size_t mptensor::value_type_tag< complex > ( )

◆ value_type_tag< double >()

constexpr size_t mptensor::value_type_tag< double > ( )