mptensor  v0.3.0
Parallel Library for Tensor Network Methods

GitHub build docs DOI

"mptensor" is parallel C++ libarary for tensor calculations. It provides similar interfaces as Numpy and Scipy in Python.


  • C++11 compiler
  • CMake (>= 3.6)

For parallel computing

For document generation

  • Doxygen (>= 1.9.1)

How to Use

  1. Build and install mptensor library
     # Modern CMake (>= 3.15)
     cmake -B build
     cmake --build build
     sudo cmake --install build
     # Traditional way
     mkdir build
     cd build
     cmake ../
     sudo cmake install
  2. Include the header file mptensor/mptensor.hpp in your codes.
  3. Complie your applications with link option -lmptensor .

The default install directory is /usr/local. It can be changed by -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX option.

# Modern CMake
cmake --install build --prefix your_install_prefix
# Traditional way
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=your_install_path ../

See also the CMake documentation.


The HTML documents are available in here.


#include <mptensor.hpp>
using namespace mptensor;
typedef Tensor<scalapack::Matrix,double> ptensor;
ptensor A(Shape(3,4,5));

Example codes of TRG and HOTRG for the 2D Ising model are in examples/Ising_2D.


GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 (see LICENSE)


  • TeNeS: Parallel tensor network solver for 2D quantum lattice systems
  • Tensordot: Code generator for tensor contraction
  • cuscalapack: pdgemm and pzgemm with cuBLAS